- Cake Mix
- Frosting
- Tablecloth
- Streamer
- Party Favors (Blow Outs, Horns, etc)
- Forks
- Paper Plates
- Napkins
- Candles
- Decorations
- Balloons
- Party Hats
- Small Party Games (Playing Cards, Puzzles, Pin the Tail, etc)
- Cups
- Any extras can be included such as Centerpieces for Tables, Photo Props, Activities or small Toys

Sponsor a Birthday in a Box
$50Want to Physically Donate Items or a Full Birthday Box?
Thank You for your interest in making a “Birthday Box” or donating items for boxes. Please feel free to use your imagination in creating this box, you can select a Theme or just a plain Basic Happy Birthday Box!
All Boxes can be returned to our office location at:
611 N. New Jersey Ave, Tampa, FL 33609
or a meet up can be arranged by contacting us.